
Hello! You have found my website! How nice!
My name is Sajith. I am a software developer by training and trade. I like doing stuff other than software development too: photography, gardening, traveling to new places, spending time in the great outdoors, watching the local wildlife, reading books, watching movies, and hanging out with friends. I made this website to write about stuff that interests me, stuff that I have done, and stuff that I need to forget for the moment.
Recent Stuff
- ondir - July 2, 2024
- GitHub Education for the Uneducated - November 30, 2022
- Southward - December 28, 2021
- ... etc.
Stuff Elsewhere
Bootleg Stuff
- ഒന്നും പറ്റാത്ത പെണ്കുട്ടി: Malayalam translation of Kir Bulychov's collection of sci-fi/fantasy stories from 1960s and 70s, A Girl Nothing Can Happen To: Adventures of 21st-century Alice - Told by Her Father.
Copyright and Stuff
I love free culture and free/libre software and open standards and open-access scholarly publications as much as you do. We all do that, right?
However, the text and pictures I publish in this site are usually personal stories of some kind – as in, they are usually pictures of people, animals, things, and/or places I'm friends with. Therefore I prefer to go with an "all rights reserved" default setting.
If you need some of them under a Creative Commons or similar license for your work or for a wikipedia article, please ask me. I'd be happy to oblige.
Badges and Stuff
This site is hosted with hcoop.net, the Internet hosting co-operative. If you are looking for a place to host your website, please consider checking out HCoop.
Acknowledgments and Stuff
The domain name is (a) a homage to nozen, a little site of Kōans that has been around for longer than this site; (b) a joke: nonzen rhymes with nonsense, you see? As far as I am aware, only one friend has laughed at it, so far. I must be bad at jokes.
Icons are from Font Awesome. This site is generated using a Rube Goldberg and/or Howl's Moving Castle machinery assembled out of Emacs, Org mode, Rake, and Hakyll.